Coalition calls for deep reforms of practices, ownership, subsidies and incentives. READ THE REPORT America’s forests and forest dependent communities need help. Despite signing the Glasglow Leaders Declaration to end deforestation and forest degradation by 2030, the Biden Administration, Congress, governors and statehouses throughout the US have failed to intervene to halt Big Timber’s assaults … Read more

Summary of recent publications relevant to the forest-climate policy debate

News & Views   Forest ‘thinning,’ aka logging, is not going to save us from wildfires Citation: Ric Bailey. June 15, 2023. Forest ‘thinning,’ aka logging, is not going to save us from wildfires. Seattle Times. Synopsis: Longtime forest defender and ex-Forest Service wildland firefighter Ric Bailey points out that commercially driven logging increases wildfire … Read more

FCC MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Klamath Forest Alliance

Who is Klamath Forest Alliance? For over 30 years the Klamath Forest Alliance (KFA) has worked to protect the wildlife and watersheds of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains in northern California and southwestern Oregon. They combine passionate advocacy, deep knowledge of the land, on-the-ground public land monitoring, community organizing, grassroots environmental activism and litigation to protect biodiversity … Read more

FCC MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: NJ Highlands Coalition, NJ Forest Watch, Raritan Headwaters

Their Missions The New Jersey Highlands Coalition (NJHC) represents a diverse network of local, regional, statewide, and national organizations as well as individuals. Their mission is to represent the common goal to protect, enhance, and restore the New Jersey Highlands and to preserve the quality and quantity of drinking water both for the 850,000 people … Read more

The Nature Conspiracy

Forests are a natural solution to the crises of climate change, environmental injustice, and species extinction. So why is the United States’ biggest conservation organization helping to cut them down? Last month, Forest Carbon Coalition Steering Committee members, John Muir Project and Dogwood Alliance, joined forces along with over 150 faith, justice, and environmental groups, including … Read more

Repairing America’s Tattered Forests: A roadmap for USDA-USDI compliance with EO 140008

Sixty-one scientific, conservation community and faith organizations have called on the Biden Administration’s National Climate Task Force to reject the false solutions and narratives offered by Big Timber and instead embrace a climate-forestry for the US based on science, sustainable economics and environmental justice. The letter, coordinated by the Forest Carbon Coalition, was accompanied by … Read more

Logging is Not A Solution to Wildfires or Climate Change

Reprinted from The Hill, 9/23/20, by John Talberth. The bodies are still being counted. The land is still burning. Yet Big Timber is wasting no time greasing the wheels in Congress for another round of profiteering from the staggering community losses in the West. In a recent op-ed published on The Hill, the author repeats … Read more

115 Scientists Say Leave Big Trees Alone

On October 13th Forest Carbon Coalition partner Wild Heritage (Berkeley, CA)  submitted a letter from 115 scientists to the USDA Forest Service urging the agency to retain protections for large old trees in eastern Oregon and Washington for their wide range of ecological and climate benefits including carbon storage and resistance to wildfire. The Trump … Read more

Oregon Department of Forestry Fails to Step Up to their Climate Responsibility


Conservation groups and community members are sounding the alarm in response to the Oregon Department of Forestry’s woefully inadequate plan to meaningfully address climate change as they are required to do under Governor Brown’s Executive Order EO 20-04. In March 2020, Oregon Governor Brown issued EO 20-04 to prevent the most serious, catastrophic impacts of … Read more

C-19-Lessons for Forests


Hi everybody, I hope you, your families, and your colleagues are symptom-free. And that you remain that way. Many of us have struggled, over many years, to get forest managers, elected officials, and the public to appreciate the severity of the ecological and economic costs that accompany deforestation and industrial, short-rotation forest plantations. In my … Read more