The Forest Carbon Coalition is a network of scientific, conservation, and environmental justice allies working together to protect US forests from harmful logging practices that are driving climate change and restore one of the world’s most vital carbon sinks to its natural capacity.
Our goals: towards a US Forest Carbon Agenda for 2020 and beyond
Forests are one of the key solutions to the climate crisis. If humanity has any chance of keeping climate change below the 1.5-degree Celsius target agreed to in the Paris Climate Accords federal, state, and private forestland owners across the US must take action to protect all remaining high density carbon stocks, reduce emissions from logging and wood products and begin the process of restoring nature’s forest carbon cycle to degraded lands through climate smart forest practices. READ MORE.
Who we are and how we work
The Forest Carbon Coalition (FCC) is a growing network of scientific, conservation and environmental justice organizations who work at the international, national, state and local levels. Our network includes organizations in fourteen cities and six states. We are working in Congress and in statehouses across the nation on legislative solutions and also work to educate the public and decision makers by synthesizing and disseminating supporting science. We are developing a comprehensive forest carbon agenda to guide policy and are monitoring and responding to threats to forest ecosystems. READ MORE ABOUT OUR COALITION AND WHAT WE DO.
What we’re tracking now
What we’re tracking now
Logging is Not A Solution to Wildfires or Climate Change
115 Scientists Say Leave Big Trees Alone
Oregon Department of Forestry Fails to Step Up to their Climate Responsibility
Connect with us
Keep informed about one of humanity’s best shots at mitigating climate change and leaving a stable climate for future generations. If you are part of an organization who wants to join our coalition or an individual wanting to keep up to speed on the latest developments on forests and climate change, please sign up here.